Redwood City Improvement Association Installs Umbrellas and Seating in Downtown to Activate Public Spaces

The Redwood City Improvement Association (RCIA), a community benefit district that works to enhance Downtown Redwood City, is installing 30 green and blue umbrellas in Downtown Redwood City and 10 tables and chair sets along Theatre Way. There will be 20 umbrellas in the Courthouse Square and 10 umbrellas on Theatre Way accompanied by 10 tables—each with four chairs, activating Downtown Redwood City’s public spaces and making the Downtown a more desirable place to come and enjoy.
“The Redwood City Improvement Association wants to enhance Downtown Redwood City, giving residents and visitors a place to sit down in the shade and enjoy what our Downtown has to offer,” said Stacey Wagner, president of the Redwood City Improvement Association. “We hope that this new addition will encourage guests to extend their stays in our Downtown and use the tables and chairs for meetings, coffee breaks, lunch or a little rest from shopping at all our local boutiques!”
The umbrellas, tables and chairs will be available to the public on Monday through Friday.